
The Trump Media Strategy

Based on what I've seen from Trump by watching him for over 20 years this is what I think he is up to ... This is the strategy not the motivation ...

Trump wanted to draw Obama into a media debate, i.e. Trumps puts out a statement, Obama responds ...

He had a bunch of subjects to choose from to try and start the debate ...

The economy
The deficit
Gas prices
Birth Certificate

I think he guessed that he would be ignored on the first 4 by the White House but he knew he could stir up alot of media coverage on the last item ...

He started out by saying he thought Obama was born in the US but kept wondering if something damaging was on the certificate ...

He then released his certificate of live birth for himself and waited ...

The MSM jumped on him, saying, see, you released the same thing as Obama ...

He then sprung the first trap and released his birth certificate ...  to highlight that there was a difference, knowing that he would score alot of points with this stunt ...

All along he wanted to debate Obama on the first 4 issues but he first had to get Obama to respond and join the debate ...

Now he has Obama in the arena ... 

Now Trump gets to pick the next subject ...  and bait Obama yet again ...  I suspect he'll mix in the deficit with the college transcript issue ...

That way he gets to try and force Obama to respond to either:

1) the serious deficit issue or
2) the much less serious transcript issue ...

Trump 1, Obama 0


The NRO Foot Stompers

Well, the supposed adults over at NRO are wearing out their shoes stomping their feet about the budget deal.  They don't like it because it's not "big" enough.  Of course what is big enough ?  Most of them don't say.  Maybe the 61 billion of HR 1 would have been enough ?  Who knows, but one thing is for sure ...

No matter what its size, 365 million or 61 billion, its not going to solve the long term defecit problems.  They know it and yet they insist on shooting the GOP leadership in the back to make their point.  And their point ?  Who knows ...  They are unhappy so I guess their point is they are unhappy ...  stomp ...  stomp ... stomp

NRO has turned into a bunch of stuff shirted intellectuals who are increasingly disconnected from the real world and who frankly don't deserve to remain leaders in the conservative media.

If you want the mantle of media leaders then get on a train, go down to DC and meet with GOP leadership.  Look these men in the face and decide if they are as shallow and spinless as your writers seem to think they are.  Otherwise you look like a bunch of Calvin Klien Custers willing to charge into the Little Big Horn, or should I say willing to tell the GOP leadership to make that charge but never having to actually live with the consequences of that strategy.