Stairway to Heaven - Climategate
I've taken data from NASA for temperature station State College Pennsylvania and compared the raw data vs. the adjusted data.
I then charted the resulting adjustment data (see below)
Just Remember if You Like Your Current Health Care Plan (the Status Quo) You Don't have to change it but According to The WON The Status Quo Has To Change ... Don't forget, if we spend more It'll cost less
I've taken data from NASA for temperature station State College Pennsylvania and compared the raw data vs. the adjusted data.
I then charted the resulting adjustment data (see below)
Posted by
The Ghost
O-6bama has been putting up beautiful 3 point shots all year (his speeches about health care) but just can't seem to get one to fall (no poll bounce ever). The GOP is terrified that eventually one of these shots will get lucky. But what the GOP and O-6bama don't realize is this. The rim (reality) is now smaller than the ball. He can't sink one because his solution won't fit into the real world anymore. The GOP has nothing to fear from his fake summit. Let him loft up those elegant speeches as much as he wants.
They will just keep clanking off the rim.
Posted by
The Ghost
Many pundits on the right are calling for a boycott of the summit.
What are they afraid of ? That Obama will be able to shoot down the GOP's heath care ideas with another rethorical florish and a wave of his hand ?
He has been giving speeches for this last year doing just that and look where it has gotten him. Its is a myth that he can talk his way out of anything. Reality doesn't work like that.
Guess who else will be talking at this summit ? Harry and Nancy. Obama may be smooth but those two are simply not up to the task. Could we ask for a better source of campaign ads for November ?
I would love to see how Obama shoots down three of the basic GOP ideas.
1) Tort reform
2) Portability - i.e. across state lines
3) Ownership - you own the policy, not your employer
If he can manage to come up with a valid reason that these reforms should not be considered then let him. I'm not afraid of an open debate on those ideas because they are market driven and everyone in America understands them farily clearly.
Obama may try but in the past his arguments have always been based on faulty assumptions that Americans see right thru and I don't expect he'll have better ones this time around.
If Obama won the GOP gathering Q&A then why are his polls still trending down ? He may have won that days battle but all he did was box himself into a corner. His deeds and the deeds of Harry and Nancy never match his words. The more words he puts out the more chances to show his deeds not matching up.
Posted by
The Ghost
From the Obama Budget we see the following new taxes on oil and coal.
Oil and Gas
Repeal Credit for Oil and Gas Produced from Marginal Wells - we used to give a tax break to producers to help make pumping oil out of marginal wells profitable. Now more of those wells will be shut down and our domestic production of oil will drop as a result.
Repeal Expensing of Intangible Drilling Costs - If you run a non oil and gas or coal business and spend money on these same type of expenses you deduct them as business expenses. Now oil and gas companies will reduce their exploration budgets to a bare minimum because they can't write most of it off. Less exploration equals less domestic production.
Repeal Domestic Manufacturing Deduction for Oil and Gas Production - Now producing things overseas will be on a level playing field with domestic production. Should ship a few jobs overseas.
Repeal Expensing of Exploration and Development Costs - If you run a non oil and gas or coal business and spend money on these same type of expenses you deduct them as business expenses. Now oil and gas companies will reduce their exploration budgets to a bare minimum because they can't write most of it off. Less exploration equals less domestic production.
Repeal Domestic Manufacturing Deduction for Coal and Other Hard Mineral Fossil Fuels - Now producing things overseas will be on a level playing field with domestic production. Should ship a few jobs overseas.
I think this is simply Cap 'n Steal in sheeps clothing. Obama wants to destroy the oil, gas and coal industries and this budget is clear evidence of that.
Oh by the way, if you buy electricity, gasoline, or natural gas or fuel oil YOU will be paying more so while you are not techinically being taxed it feels just like you are.
Posted by
The Ghost